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The Orchestras

The Lost Mountain Orchestra program is comprised of over 200 students in 4 levels of ensemble performance. As students become more advanced in their musical abilities, they will have more opportunities and ensembles they can participate in. In the LMMS Orchestra program, there is no prior musical experience needed! We will teach you everything you need to know from the start.


6th Grade Orchestra

First year students and students who enter Lost Mountain with experience are members of this orchestra. Experienced students have the opportunity to work on higher level music and join extracurricular ensembles such as String choir.  6th grade orchestras perform four concerts each school year (October, December, March, and May). Concert attire is orchestra polo shirt and khaki pants with nice, comfortable shoes.


7th Grade Orchestra

Students with at least one year of playing experience are in this class that meets every day. 7-1 and 7-2 orchestras combine for all performances. 7th grade concert attire is the LMMS Orchestra polo and khakis. 7th graders have 3-4 performances each school year. 


8th Grade Orchestra

Students with at least two years of playing experience that meet every day. These students are split into two equal classes and combine for all performances. 8th graders exemplify a high standard of performance both on and off the concert stage. They are the most experienced musicians in the orchestra system. Students in 8th grade typically perform 4 concerts per school year, including a performance evaluation (LGPE). In addition, the 8th grade orchestra members have the opportunity to travel to and perform at Disney World in the Spring.


String Choir

String Choir is a before school group for students who want to experience a more diverse selection of music. 7th and 8th grade students are who sign up should plan to attend rehearsals every weekly on the designated morning at 8:15am in the orchestra room. 

© 2022  Lost Mountain Orchestra

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